Oh what a cute...WTF???

I got this from a friend to give to the boy. Oh hell no. "Ok, there's a bee called "Bee" ok. Mantis is "Mantis". Check. Ant. Here.
Ohh a ladybug called "Ladybug. And a Dragonfly with it's right name. Alrighty then! Oh? Someone missed roll call?
Cockroach, sir? Okaay. Looking and you spell that? Oh C-O-C-K-C-H-A-F-E-R."
Someone was either asleep at the wheel or a big Louis "Red" Deutsch fan.
Go look it up. Stop letting Bart get all the glory.
Very nice design of your page.
You've done it yourself?
Thanks. No I used a blogger template and by trial and much error got it the way I like it. The background is from CitrusMoon: http://citrusmoon.typepad.com/
The drawings are mine or my son's. The banner at the top is also mine.
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