My Anglo-Addiction

Ok, I admit it. I am powerless against the lure of the British, Scottish, and Wales...and Ireland. I think it all goes back to when I was a child. We watched alot of PBS so I watched Upstairs, Downstairs, Dr. Who and of course Monty Python's Flying Circus. Remember, that I grew up at time when Python was brand new. The timbre and melody of accents, of words (torch for flashlights, bonnet for carhood etc.) all fascinated me as a child. Its funny to me when people tell me they can't suss out accents, it all sounds natural to me.

Wire in The Blood As a clinical psychologist, Hill works with convicted killers in prisons. But he is also gifted with the ability to see into the mind of his patients, to delve and discover information that can be used in research. He is attached to the Police Department as an advisor in strange cases. His ability to understand both victim and killer makes him vunerable at times. Most of the police view him as an interloper on their turf. Robson's Official Site
The Cast of Sea of Souls
Sea of Souls You walk past a house you've never been to and you know its secrets, you know who's on the phone and that's before it rings. Paterson plays Dr. Douglas Monaghan, head of the fictional Parapsychology Unit at Clyde University. Along with his two researchers Justine McManus (Dawn Steele) and Craig Stevenson (Iain Robertson), they try to find the truth in the mad rush of the unknown. Sea of Soulsfilmed in Scotland, won the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Teleplay for the episode "Amulet."
Bill Paterson's Official Site
Murder In the British Style
Good to see another Monty Python fan! My Texan flatmate completely doesn't get British comedy, especially Python...she says all British comedy is based on cross-dressing men. Little Britain, League of Gentlemen, Eddie Izzard...she might have a point though!
Well, I don't get Texans, so there you go. ~grins~
Izzard is incredible live. Seen him twice. If I only had one station it would be BCCAmerica. Oh alright all the BBC's.
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