Angst on a Shoestring

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Chuc Mung Nam Moi! Happy Year of the Dog!


It's Asian Lunar New Year and in Viet Nam, it is called Tet. It started at the stroke of midnight on the 28th. We celebrated Tet with other folks who adopted from Viet Nam. We were in Chinatown having a faboo luncheon at Vietnam Palace. After we spent some time strolling around giving Alex a chance to play tour guide for our friends. Alex was chomping at the bit to get into the Shanghai Bazaar, which is one of the newest places to shop in Chinatown. After trying to figure out how many door boarders to get, we went onto the clothing section. They have great pockyoutfits for most sizes. Of course, not mine. It's a mall that's not the usual touristy stop, though I'm sure it will soon be. They carry some beautiful things. After checking out the knockoff pocketbooks, it was across the street to the supermarket. I was out of some of my favorite snacks. I'm addicted to Pocky. Pocky is a cracker stick, like an animal cracker, slightly sweet, then dipped in chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, some with nuts. They're yummy. But alas, it seemed Pocky was very popular that day.

So I saw Hello Panda, made by Meiji Candy. mejipandaThey're Pocky

in reverse. Little teddy shaped filled cookies with an imprint of playing pandas. They were worth the purchase. And in convenient snack size, so I don't go eating the whole dang box.

Links for Tet:
The Meaning of Tet



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