Faboo place to get those trinkets for raven and bat fans. Not that I'm hinting. Really.
An amazing treasure trove of El Dia de Los Muertos items! Brought to you by Mexican Sugar Skull.
Ron and Joe have some of the quirkiest fun fonts around. Check out their Silly Kids, Silly Pets and recipes!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Save NetRadio..
From the site:"The SaveNetRadio coalition is made up of artists, labels, listeners, and webcasters. Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring an event, making a donation, or would like to become a leader in the fight to save Internet radio. The recent ruling by the Copyright Royalty Board to increase webcasters' royalty rates between 300 and 1200 percent over the next 5 years jeopardizes the industry and threatens to homogenize Internet radio."
Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
I'm a jill of all trades at my place of employment. Mom to a great little guy, wife to a faboo man. Can go off into tangents in a blink of an eye. An unabashed Anglophile, coffee addict, collector of all kinds of crap. I have been MS's (Multiple Sclerosis) bitch since 2000. So I tend to walk like a drunken pirate. I would like to meet people, who like me, are slaves to their art or at least acting like one. I'm mostly an illustrative designer, doing print work, exhibits etc. Bitching about clients, hoarding fonts and talking about the old days of exacto blades and wax is part of my milieu. I also like to use words like "milieu".
I like to read the obituaries. Most are just the bare fact. Who, what, when and the survivors. Marilyn Johnson, seeks out the crafters of some of the best obit columns. They even have their own convention!
One need not to be a part of the celeb crowd to be celebrated. In fact, these small offerings can be much more riveting.
A man (who is also named Jonathan Safran Foer) searching for his grandfather's past, a tourguide that murders the English language and an offical "seeing eye bitch." Weave into that a story within a story about Foer's grandfather's mythical shtetl and you come away breathless. The book is a little different from the movie of the same name, but no less powerful.
This book was, for me, one of the best ways of escaping the nuns. It was the D'aulaires' artwork and retelling of the Greek myths that still resonate so strongly in my memories.
Just as the D'aulaires' captured my imagination with Greek Mythology, their Norse Myths were just as exciting if not more so. I loved learning about how the days of the week came about to honor various gods and goddesses, how Odin kept watch over the world with his two wolves and two ravens. I ended up buying my own copies as soon as I could.
Before I read this book, I really didn't know much about the Presidents Garfield and McKinley. In fact, I didn't know anything. Ms. Vowell makes history fun. Whether its a grave site or a little tucked out of the way plaque, she brings her irreverent wit to the mix and makes you realise, history is all around us and we better damn well take notice.
She has a delightful sense of the macabre that makes it all the more fun.
This book is a riot. Starting off with friends who are in theater at school, Creative Vandalism and creative ways to get money to attend Julliard. I loved Acito's way of drawing the characters, I really felt for them all.
Except the crazed Teutonic bitch his father marries. UPDATE: Marc sent me a bookplate inscribed with "To Gina, Be Splendid"
TaDah! The Scissor Sisters second full length release does not dissappoint. The joyful camp, glam and gender bending all spin together for a frothy dance beat. Front man Jake Shears and his vocal partner in crime Ana Matronic, make you dizzy with fun! Sir Elton John co-wrote the first single, "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" is such a throwback to Sir's early days and Shears belts it out with joy.
Jonathan Coulton, one of the sweetest voices I've heard in a long time. Don't let that fool you. He is also witty and insightful. If you like They Might Be Giants, you'll dig him.
One of the things I love about Hitchcock is his surreal use of language and he doesn't dissapoint on this 1999 release. He strikes a nice balance between his more rough edges and his sensitive, albeit somewhat addled, sides.
But fans of Hitchcock know and love this about him. And the acoustic "Gene Hackman" is a hidden treasure.
Oh that Trent Reznor. Love him. He could bite me any day.
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